
After a couple of visits during the winter months to check up on the cabin and see how it was faring during a cold but relatively dry winter, I returned a couple of weeks ago to attempt to sort out the huge amount of cut wood that came with the cabin when I bought it.

A Little Cabin in the Alps in early spring conditions 2023

From what I can gather, the owners of the cabin prior to the person I bought the cabin from, had cut down a lot of the surrounding trees to prevent them from being blown over in a storm and possibly damaging the cabin. This was a good decision, as this winter, a number of trees did indeed get blown over nearby, necessitating another cabin owner to get a tree cutter out to make them safe.

Anyway, whilst it is nice to have guaranteed firewood for the next decade, the way it was stored was not the most aesthetic. Hence my energies a few weeks ago removing a lot of the decayed plastic that was used to cover the wood as well as re-position some of the piles to a more visually appealing place.

ALCITA has attracted a number of bookings for this year which is nice. Coming with that of course is the necessary upkeep and maintenance.

Some quick snaps I took a couple of weeks ago of the early Spring conditions with more to follow next week.


Flower time


Loitering with Intent - and -Retreats...