Twelve months make a year…

Here’s a month by month summary of what you can expect to experience, see and hear when you stay in A Little Cabin in the Alps

Since I purchased ALCITA in May of 2022, I have stayed in in the cabin for some or all of the months in the calendar year except December and January.

With those two months, you are pretty much guaranteed sub-zero temperatures that freeze the water supply to the cabin (remember the cabin is at +/- 970m or just over 3100' altitude). In addition to probable snows. Lastly the sun doesn't come above the surrounding mountains so, whilst not quite an Arctic Circle feel to it, you get the idea...

That said - here's a quick month by month summary of what to expect:-


Apart from the few evergreen trees around, no leaves on the trees thereby giving long views, not possible in the summer. Possible late winter snow that doesn't linger for more than a couple of days (at cabin level). Above zero temperatures but still cold (at night). Snow on the mountains particularly on N, E and NW facing slopes above 1750m. A great time for short day winter hikes followed by log fires and a glass of your favourite...

Late winter conditions in February at A Little Cabin in the Alps, Rosazza, Italy


Longer days with the first signs of flowers like snowdrops. More birdsong and signs of wildlife (boar and wolf markings). More log fires...

Early Spring conditions at A Little Cabin in the Alps, Rosazza, Italy


More day visitors on nearby trails - especially at weekends - from the nearby cities. Still late snows on the mountains but first signs of green on trees late in the month. Have I mentioned log fires?...

Log Fires in April at A Little Cabin in the Alps, Rosazza, Italy


Leaves on trees. Alpine Gentians in the meadows above the cabin. Some lingering snow above 2500m on the nearby peaks. Weekends becoming busier but not crazy. In sunny evenings, migrate outdoors to BBQs and the like. Clanking bell sounds from the cattle being taken up to their higher summer grazing grounds.

Alpine Gentians in the Alps in May a A Little Cabin in the Alps, Rosazza, Italy


Basically May++ with long days, bats in the evening and fireflys in the dark...

Long June days a A Little Cabin in the Alps, Rosazza, Italy


Summer is establised. Long periods of sunny days broken by night-time thunderstorms and heavy rains. Early mornings, wake up to cloudless skies and "everything is washed" feeling.


Italy is on holidays. Carpark is packed. August 15 is a big national holiday (Ferragosto or Assumption of Mary). Expect to be invited to neightbours BBQs and the like. Brush up on your Italian as few speak anything but Italian - around Rosazza that is. But Prosecco, beer and wine will help with translation...


An early feeling of Autumn in the air. Cooler temperatures. Breezy and some rains. Visitors have mostly left leaving just the few remaining residents around. Delightfully quiet after August. Time to pick blackberries and hike to the surrounding mountain refuges before they close 2nd weekend of the month. Lots of bell ringing sounds with the cattle being taken down from the higher summer pastures to their wintering valley homes. Expect to be delayed driving on valley roads by herds of returning cows.


Leaves on the ground. Quiet. Autumanl weather - rains, cold clear days, breezy. A great time to be in the mountains!

Autumn in A Little Cabin in the Alps, Rosazza, Italy


Possible early snows on the high tops. Most trees stripped of leaves. Some weeks low cloud and drizzle. Other weeks blue skies and clear. Changeable. The mountains are getting ready to rest for the next few months...

November views of the mountains from the doorstep of A Cabin in the Alps, Rosazza, Italy


Depending on the time of year, expect to see and / or hear in the forest and surrounding mountains:

  • Wolves (winter)

  • Boar (Spring, Autumn & Winter)

  • Deer (All season)

  • Bats (Early to Mid summer)

  • Owls (All season)

  • Black Woodpeckers (All season)

  • Buzzards (All season)

  • Fireflies (Early to Mid summer)

  • Butterflies (Summer)


Sunlight and Shadows


Flower time