Sunlight and Shadows

My previous blog about what you can expect (to see, feel and hear) when you visit A Little Cabin in the Alps, month on month received good response. So a couple of weeks ago when I was in the cabin, I thought I would screenshot the sun’s position over the next few months and share this here.

I know there are a number of apps “out there” that show the sun’s direction of travel and latitude. The one I use is Sun Tracker AR.

These images are taken from the doorway of the cabin - so looking out on a SE/S direction.


1st December you will get around half an-hour’s direct sunlight from around 08:00 before the sun disappears behind the hill, only to briefly show itself around 13:00 to 14:00


1st January, as mentioned in the earlier post, the sun fails to get above the hill opposite. Nice subdued (and cold!) lighting and plenty of log fires!


1st February - amazing what a month brings. Here the sun is virtually above the hill for most of the day (it disappears around at the corner about 16:00). Whilst this will not bring much warmth, it does provide nice lighting and gives you the knowledge that Spring is not far away!


1st March - happy days! Bring on the sun and the warmth. Flowers starting and the feeling of Spring in the air!


Freddy, Hibernating and Planting


Twelve months make a year…