Freddy, Hibernating and Planting

One of the advantages Freddy our friendly lizard has over me, is that he hibernates for the winter.

Maybe it's just me, but I sometime wish (maybe more times than I care to admit) I could do the same. Maybe from mid November to mid February (yes - I'm northern hemisphere!)

Can you imagine? Missing out on storms, cold, darkness, rain... I know it would also mean no plum pudding and mince pies, so there would be a price to pay.

There would have to be advance planning of course. Like get an intelligent AI generated responder to emails. Some form of delegated authority to do important tasks such as write LinkedIn posts, "like" Insta posts, and of course walk the dog.

Some of us do our best to keep our proverbial head down during this season. Others who can, go to where it's warm and sunny. Whilst others use the time to plant seeds and prepare for the new year and the season of growth ahead. Some in the way of New Year resolutions. Many with hopes and dreams...

The seed I've planted is a website that aims to provide journeys that will allow those that sign-up to come, purposeful time and space to re-energise, re-connect, re-engage and re-discover. More on that in due course…

Freddy is using his time wisely so that come the first ray of warming sun into his crack in the rock where he's sleeping, he will be re-energised. He'll need to re-connect with his cousins of course and re-engage with dangers overhead by way of Tawny owls...

Ok. Analogy over! You get the drift. But let's use this season, early in the year, to see how we best navigate through 2024 and explore what facilities there are (like e.g. A Little Cabin in the Alps) to help us re-connect and re- whatever we need to do. Don't let the year slip by...

Oh, and when you go and stay, say hello to Freddy for me will you?


What?! It’s nearly September…


Sunlight and Shadows