What?! It’s nearly September…

I sort of know - but scarcely want to admit it - how it’s been so loooong since I wrote about Freddy last January. Many excuses - but hey, that’s how it goes. And if you want to know - Freddy - and his lookalikes - are thriving.

But what else has been happening this year?

The month of May last year (2023) turned out to be a very very wet month. So wet in fact that quite some water came through the back wall of the cabin with all the rainfall. It seems, from talking with other nearby cabin owners, that this is not an uncommon occurrence given the way the cabins are constructed with the back wall half buried in the steep hillside behind the house.

So to minimise the impact of future wet Springs (the month of May being the wettest traditionally with the changing seasons), I sought the advice and muscle-power from a couple of Irish friends to come over and help construct a lean-to at the rear of the cabin to reduce the amount of water seeping through the back wall. This was constructed in April and so far (🙏) appears to be working well…

From then until now, quite some people stayed in the cabin enjoying generally good weather. I was there in August where the weather was warm and sunny initially but last week the feel of the onset of early Autumn was showing with more unsettled cooler weather.

Some plans for late Autumn - more on that in the future - as well as some thoughts about future usage of the cabin, particularly for 2025. Again, more on that later.

In the meantime, here’s a photo dump for the year to date, in roughly chronologically order. All photos taken at or nearby the cabin. Enjoy!

Talk soon…


The Alps


Freddy, Hibernating and Planting